Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Snow Means Stew...With Beer, of Course.

I don't know about you, but in my house I am the cook. (I keep telling my wife that she is a very lucky girl.) Oh yea, I keep my man card up by grilling as much as I can, but I am a guy who can dance in the kitchen, too.

When the weather starts to go winter like it has today, I go in search of a big, hearty soup or stew. I have a lot of favorites...but, one of my favorite favorites is called Carbonnade, a classic Belgian stew, made with my three favorite ingrediants....beef, onions and beer.

Now, here is a little secret. You do not have to be a master chef to create a really great tasting Carbonnade. It's no harder to cook than your normal beef stew. And, I think it is a nice change up.

Here is a great recipe for you to try.

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